Give a special someone a lovely surprise with this Roses and Carnations Korean-Style Basket Arrangement and its rich seasonal shades of Pink, Yellow & White. This beautiful Korean-Style Basket Arrangement is a wonderful way to celebrate. This delicately designed floral arrangement works well for just about any occasion!
- Roses and Carnations Korean-Style Basket Arrangement
- Beautifully arranged in a charming brown basket
- Flowers come direct from the farm, hand-arranged by our florists, deliver right to your doorstep
- Perfect for Birthday, Thank You, Romance, Anniversary or any special occasion.
Flowers: Roses, Carnations, Gerberas and various flowers
Approx Dimensions: 32cm (H) x 40cm (W)
The photos represent the arrangement's thematic style. If certain flowers become unavailable, we may make substitutions of equal or higher value while maintaining the aesthetic style.