Bring bursts of color and mood-boosting energy to a loved one's living space with this Red Roses and White Lilies Bouquet. This joyful arrangement will leave them with a smile. Order this bouquet for a loved one and send some happy energy their way.
- Red Roses and White Lilies Bouquet
- Arranged and hand-tied with gift wrap & ribbon
- Flowers come direct from the farm, hand-arranged by our florists, and delivered right to your doorstep.
- Perfect for Birthday, Thank You, Anniversary, Romance, Housewarming, Get Well, or any special occasion.
- All Lilies arrive in bud form.
Flowers: 19 Roses, 3 Lilies with eucalyptus
Approx Dimensions: 60cm (H) x 50cm (W)
The photos represent the arrangement's thematic style. If certain flowers become unavailable, we may make substitutions of equal or higher value while maintaining the aesthetic style.