Treat someone to this luxurious arrangement of champagne and pink Roses, Pink Hydrangeas & Carnations Bouquet. These beautiful blooms promise to fill any home with the sweet scent of the flower and the beauty of nature. It is an ideal gift for your favorite person.
- Roses, Hydrangeas & Carnations Bouquet
- Arranged and hand-tied with gift wrap & ribbon
- Flowers come direct from the farm, hand-arranged by our florists, and delivered right to your doorstep
- Perfect for Birthdays, Thank You, Romance, Housewarming, Anniversary, or any special occasion.
Flowers: 6 Roses, 1 Hydrangea, 5 Carnations and various flowers
Approx Dimensions: 50cm (H) x 40cm (W)
The photos represent the arrangement's thematic style. If certain flowers become unavailable, we may make substitutions of equal or higher value while maintaining the aesthetic style.